Corbynomics will transform Britain

The Tories have rushed into this election because of economic difficulties and are offering no hope for a better future, writes KEN LIVINGSTONE.

IF YOU want to know why Theresa May rushed into calling a general election, despite repeatedly saying she wouldn’t do so, then the much quoted phrase “it’s the economy, stupid” sums it up neatly.

The Tories would like us to believe that the economy has recovered and that Tory austerity over the last seven years has made the economy strong.
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The ‘Rich List’ illustrates the staggering level of inequality in the Tories’ rigged economy

With the publication of the ‘Rich List’ this week we learnt that the wealth of the top ten richest couples in the country has gone up by £3.4bn.

The 20 richest Britons alone are now worth £192bn – this is more than will be spent on health and education combined this year.

This isn’t a new development. It’s a long term trend, where their total wealth from 2005 to 2015 has more than doubled.
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Britain’s poorest need a Labour government

News earlier this week that up to three million children risk going hungry during school holidays in Britain, the fifth-richest economy, are an appalling Tory testimony, writes KEN LIVINGSTONE.

Two pieces of news earlier this week showed yet again why we need change in Britain and the sheer scale of poverty and desperation under the Tories’ seven years of austerity, which is ruining our public services, squeezing the living standards for the majority and driving millions of people including children into destitution.
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Tory policies have created this housing crisis – but there is an alternative

Today, Jeremy Corbyn and Shadow Housing Minister John Healey pledged a Labour Government would build a million new homes in five years, with at least half a million council homes, as part of Labour’s public investment strategy for a better Britain.

Such an approach is exactly what we need to tackle the housing crisis, boost economic growth and win votes for Labour.

Labour’s alternative in this area could not be more needed – figures from autumn 2016 showed levels of affordable homes for social rent had fallen to the lowest level since records began.
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Economic difficulties ahead are why May has rushed to the polls

If you want to know why Theresa May has rushed into calling a General Election, despite repeatedly saying she wouldn’t do so, then the reasons were perfectly summed up by journalist Kevin Maguire on Twitter this week when he wrote the panic is because “Brexit will be a nightmare and living standards will be squeezed by prices rising faster than wages.”

More broadly speaking, fundamental economic factors facing Britain mean that the difficulties we are currently seeing in different areas of our economy are set to deepen.
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Corbyn’s Labour has the antidote to Tory economic doom

An array of policies that will significantly improve the lives of ordinary people are the best reason to trust Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, argues KEN LIVINGSTONE.

The Tory government, dutifully echoed by the majority of the media, never tires of telling us how rosy the picture looks for the economy but recent data — including regarding GDP — shows the opposite and reveals that the outlook for the economy is deteriorating.

The Tories are taking Britain backwards and the reality of seven years of economic failure becomes clearer by the day — the economy remains in a crisis and now the indications are that it is going to get worse leading to a sharpening cost-of-living crisis for millions of people.
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Ken Statement on the Extension of his Suspension

Today (4 April) Ken Livingstone was suspended for a further year from the Labour Party as the result of a long delayed quasi judicial process that was not in accord with natural justice.

Ken Livingstone said: ‘Today’s Labour Party panel extended my suspension for another year because of my political views, not because I have done anything to harm the Labour Party.

‘The Labour Party’s disciplinary process was not in accord with natural justice in a number or ways.
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Statement from 5 Five Jewish Labour Party members who gave evidence in support of Ken Livingstone

After Ken Livingstone was today suspended for a further year from the Labour Party as the result of a long delayed quasi judicial process that was not in accord with natural justice, five Jewish Labour Party members, who gave evidence in support of Ken Livingstone at the hearing, issued the following statement:

‘We are appalled by the decision to continue the suspension of Ken Livingstone.

‘The case brought against Ken was not that he was antisemitic.
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Ken Livingstone suspended for another year by Labour Party – and launches campaign for reinstatment

Today (4 April) Ken Livingstone was suspended for a further year from the Labour Party as the result of a long delayed quasi judicial process that was not in accord with natural justice.

A three-member panel of Labour’s National Constitutional Committee found that Ken Livingstone had acted in a manner ‘prejudicial’ or ‘grossly detrimental’ to the Labour Party.

There was no charge against Ken Livingstone that he was or is anti-Semitic.
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Jewish Labour Party members write to the National Constitutional Committee in support of Ken Livingstone

Over 30 leading Jewish members of the Labour Party have written to the Party’s National Constitutional Committee arguing that “we believe it would be a travesty if the Labour Party were to find Ken Livingstone guilty of conduct prejudicial or detrimental to the Party.”

They argue that “as Jews, we are appalled that such a serious issue as antisemitism is being used in this cynical and manipulative way,” adding that “It is harmful to Jewish people that false charges of antisemitism are so casually thrown around.”
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